Disability Rights Advocates Call for Prioritizing Rights of Persons With Disabilities in Uniform Civil Code Consultation

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Over 220 disability rights organizations and activists have united to voice their concerns and advocate for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities (PwDs) in the formulation of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC). Responding to the Law Commission’s call for public opinions on the UCC, these advocates are urging for a comprehensive approach that aligns the UCC with existing laws safeguarding the rights of PwDs.

The draft UCC, which is expected to cover critical aspects such as marriage, adoption, inheritance, and property rights, has raised concerns among the disability community. The advocates stress that the implementation of the UCC without due consideration could have significant implications for individuals with disabilities, as reported by PTI.

In their detailed submission, which has garnered support from prominent activists, lawyers, and individuals with disabilities, the advocates emphasize the importance of ensuring the active participation of PwDs in shaping the UCC’s provisions. They argue for a nuanced approach that takes into account the specific vulnerabilities faced by PwDs and call for comprehensive consultations with them and their representative organizations. Understanding and addressing the lived experiences and challenges of PwDs is seen as crucial throughout the drafting process.

The submission further highlights the need to harmonize Indian laws with the provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). It calls for amending constitutional provisions to prohibit disability-based discrimination and eliminating discriminatory clauses against PwDs in various laws. Building upon the protective measures provided by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, and the Mental Healthcare Act, 2017, is proposed to ensure equal rights and protections for PwDs within their familial and societal contexts.

Esteemed individuals and organizations have lent their support to this cause, including Muralidharan, the General Secretary of the National Platform for the Rights of the Disabled, Roma Bhagat, an Advocate at the Delhi High Court, Seema Baquer, a cross-disability professional, and Sadhna Arya, a gender and disability activist.

The submission has gained endorsement from notable entities such as NPRD, Multiple Sclerosis Society of India – Chennai Chapter, Action For Autism, Shishu Sarothi Centre for Rehabilitation & Training for Multiple Disability, and several other prominent organizations dedicated to championing disability rights.

The collective effort of these disability rights advocates aims to ensure that the Uniform Civil Code reflects the needs and rights of all citizens, including those with disabilities. Their call for inclusive consultations and harmonization with international conventions seeks to create a more just and equitable legal framework for the entire Indian society.

Read More: Rights of Persons With Disabilities

Read More: National News

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