“First Woman Hanged in Singapore in 20 Years: Saridewi Djamani Hanged for Drug Trafficking”

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(Image Source: Google| Image By- ipleaders,in) First Woman Hanged in Singapore in 20 Years .

On Friday, it made headlines in Singapore and all over the world when Singapore hanged a woman for the first time in 20 years since 2004. The last execution of a woman took place in 2004 when Yen May Woen, 36, was hanged for drug trafficking. The recent execution involved a 45-year-old Singaporean named Saridewi Binte Djamani, who was caught with 31 grams of heroin and was hanged on Friday in Changi Prison. The Narcotics Bureau stated that she had been given “full due process under the law” and had access to legal counsel throughout the process.

Protests in Singapore:

It was evident that the incident would spark protests. Many human rights groups, including Amnesty International, protested against it. These groups argued that the Singaporean Government was violating human rights and should reform their execution processes. Amnesty International called for the Singaporean Government to revoke their capital punishment laws.

Singapore’s laws against drugs:

Singapore is among 55 countries around the globe that still impose the death penalty as a punishment. It maintains some of the world’s toughest anti-drug laws, similar to China and North Korea. Since March 2022, Singapore has hanged at least 15 people involved in drug-related crimes. Despite the outrage, the Singaporean Government defended their actions, claiming that the use of death penalties serves as a deterrent against drug trafficking, while Amnesty International points out that almost three quarters of the world have abolished their death penalty laws.

India’s laws:

India also employs capital punishment, and in 2022, over 165 people were hanged. Since 1947, more than 1000 people have been executed in India. However, no women have been executed since India gained independence.

13 years ago, a woman from Uttar Pradesh named Shabnam killed seven members of her family. If executed, she could be the first woman to be hanged in post-independence India. The case of Shabnam is a high-profile criminal case in India that gained significant media attention and public interest. Shabnam, a woman from Amroha, Uttar Pradesh, was convicted for a gruesome and shocking crime that took place on the night of April 14, 2008.

What is Shabnam Case?

On that fateful night, Shabnam, along with her lover Saleem, committed a heinous act that shook the entire nation. She brutally murdered seven members of her own family, including her parents, two brothers, sister-in-law, and her 10-month-old nephew. The motive behind the crime was said to be the disapproval of Shabnam’s relationship with Saleem, as their families were against their union due to societal and caste differences.

After carrying out the gruesome murders, Shabnam and Saleem were arrested by the authorities and subsequently faced trial. In 2010, they were both found guilty and sentenced to death by the court. The case drew extensive media attention, and it sparked debates on various social, legal, and psychological aspects of the crime.

Since Shabnam’s conviction, the case has gone through various legal proceedings, including appeals and mercy petitions. Over the years, human rights organizations and activists have raised concerns about the use of capital punishment in India and advocated for a reconsideration of Shabnam’s sentence.

“Article Credit: Skywalker”

Read More About: Women’s death sentence in india

Read More: National News

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