India To Become Borderless? Sri Lankan President Urges India and BIMSTEC Members to Embrace Free Movement

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                           (Image Source- Google| Image By-Telegraph India)

The Sri Lankan president has advised removing borders between India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. His major idea is that the BIMSTEC (regional group) area should be made borderless to tap into the huge tourism potential offered by the seven member countries. If this idea is implemented, people residing in these seven countries will not need a visa to travel to any of the seven countries and can travel visa-free

Now, to understand this, it is necessary to learn about “What is BIMSTEC?

BIMSTEC, known as the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation, Organization consisting of seven member countries. It aims to promote cooperation and collaboration in various sectors such as trade, investment, technology, energy, agriculture, tourism, and more. BIMSTEC serves as a platform for its member states, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, to enhance regional integration, sustainable development, and shared prosperity.

(Image Source- Google| Image By-Vajiram ias)

Creating a borderless region between seven countries will have several implications such as:

Free Movement of People:

Citizens of the borderless countries could potentially move across the region without the need for visas or border controls. This would facilitate travel, tourism, and cross-border exchanges.

Economic Integration:

Removing borders would promote seamless trade and economic integration within the region. It could lead to the establishment of a common market, simplified customs procedures, and enhanced investment flows.


Shared Governance:

The borderless countries would need to establish a system of shared governance to address common issues and make collective decisions. This could involve creating joint institutions, harmonizing regulations, and promoting cooperation in areas such as security, environment, and infrastructure development.


Cultural Exchange and Integration:

Borderless countries would likely experience increased cultural exchange and integration, leading to the blending of traditions, languages, and lifestyles. This could foster a stronger sense of regional identity and understanding among the diverse populations.


Security and Border Management:

The removal of physical borders would necessitate rethinking security measures and border management. Collaborative efforts would be crucial to ensure the region remains secure while facilitating the free movement of people and goods.


Challenges and Considerations:

A borderless region could face challenges such as managing cross-border crime, addressing economic disparities, and accommodating different political systems and ideologies. Balancing national interests with the collective interests of the region would require ongoing dialogue and cooperation.

Now you might be wondering is there any area in the world between 5-6 countries which is borderless?

Yes, there are examples of borderless areas in the world. One notable example is the Schengen Area in Europe, which consists of 26 European countries that have abolished internal border controls and established a common travel area. This allows for the free movement of people within the designated area without the need for passports or visas.

Does making Schengen area have any economic benefits for Europe?

Yes, the Schengen Area has brought significant economic benefits to Europe by facilitating seamless trade, increasing labor mobility, and encouraging tourism, contributing to economic growth, competitiveness, and job creation within the participating countries.

(Image Source- Google| Image By-SAESC)

Is it possible to make Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand borderless?”

Creating a fully borderless region among Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand would be a complex and challenging endeavor, similar to the concept of the Schengen Area. It would require extensive negotiations, strong political will, and comprehensive agreements addressing various aspects such as trade, migration, security, and shared governance. While it may seem idealistic, regional integration efforts have the potential to promote economic growth, enhance cooperation, and foster closer ties among these nations. However, achieving complete borderlessness would require significant commitment, cooperation, and time.

what are the negatives of making borderless area between 5-6 countries:

Economic Disparities:

If there are significant economic disparities among the participating countries, a borderless region could lead to uneven development and widening income gaps. Weaker economies might struggle to compete or face difficulties in adjusting to increased competition.

Migration Pressures:

The free movement of people within a borderless region can lead to increased migration flows. This could create challenges related to managing population movements, strain on public services, and social integration.

Security Concerns:

The removal of borders would require robust cooperation in security matters, such as intelligence sharing, border management, and law enforcement. Ensuring the region remains secure while allowing free movement can be complex and requires effective coordination.

Loss of National Sovereignty:

Participating countries may need to surrender certain aspects of their national sovereignty to establish shared governance mechanisms and decision-making processes. Balancing national interests with collective decision-making can be a delicate task

Cultural Identity and Integration:

The merging of multiple countries into a borderless region could pose challenges in terms of preserving cultural identities and ensuring social integration. It may require efforts to promote cultural diversity, respect, and inclusivity.

Policy Harmonization:

Harmonizing policies and regulations across multiple countries can be a complex task. Differences in legal systems, administrative procedures, and standards may need to be addressed to facilitate smooth cooperation and integration.

Political Challenges:

Establishing a borderless region involves significant political coordination and consensus-building. Diverse political systems, ideologies, and interests among participating countries may present challenges in aligning priorities and decision-making processes.

Read More: International Affairs

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