5 Fascinating Facts About Indian Space Station

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Indian Space Station’s Journey To The Stars

One may have never imagined that humans will one day might be able to live in space. That is possible with technology.

It can make your hopes come true. A space station is a particular kind of spacecraft that is constantly circling the earth and contains people.
It is a form of habitat where scientists from various countries reside and do scientific research in its laboratory. The USSR launched Salyut, the first space station in history, on 19 April 1971. Later, in 1986, the USSR launched the MIR space station, which operated until 1996.
After the collapse of the USSR, Russia was unable to pay for its upkeep and later accepted the USA’s offer to work with it on the International Space Station (ISS). On November 20, 1998, the International Space Station was launched thanks to a collaboration between NASA (USA), CSA (Canada), JAXA (Japan), ESA (European Union), and Roscosmos (Russia). It cost approximately $150 billion USD to construct, making it the most costly man-made item ever. Currently, NASA spends about $3 billion annually on operations and maintenance. In the space station, 7-9 crew members can live together at once. However, the future of ISS is not promising. Russia has already said that it will leave the International Space Station and begin construction on its own space station. Additionally, it is anticipated that NASA would extend the space station until 2030 before decommissioning it or selling it to a private business to advance space tourism.

Tiangong Space Station, a space station built by China, has already been launched. This space station will cost 6,000 crores CNY. Therefore, China will face a daunting future in terms of space research and programs after the ISS is decommissioned.

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The Foundation Of Indian Space Station

By the end of 2030, according to ISRO chief K Sivan, India would construct its own space station. This sentence was highlighted.
India would become the world’s fourth country to join the space station organization if it takes this action. Details of the Indian space station
Cost estimates range from 7 to 13 billion dollars. The space station would weigh up to 20 tons. It would be applied to microgravity research.

It will orbit Earth at a height of 400 kilometers K for a maximum of 15-20 days at least. Sivan went on to say that it will take at least five years after the Gaganyan Mission before the space station would be launched.

You should be aware that the Gaganyan Mission is ISRO’s first homegrown effort to send astronauts into orbit. ISRO already has a number of other missions on the go, including CHANDRAYAN 3 (to land on the moon), ADITYA L1 (to study the sun), and VOYAGE (to send a crew to Venus). And prior to the space station’s launch, all of these trips would take place.
The future of India’s space program therefore awaits. missions and trips that will undoubtedly result in fresh discoveries and studies for space programs.

5 Fascinating Facts About Indian Space Station:

1. Indigenous Innovation:

Unlike other space-faring nations, India aims to develop and launch its own space station entirely. This showcases India’s determination to design cutting-edge technology and establish self-sufficiency in space exploration.

2. Technological Marvel:

The Indian space station will be a testament to the nation’s technical prowess. Packed with state-of-the-art equipment and advanced scientific instruments, it will facilitate a wide range of research and experiments, paving the way for groundbreaking discoveries.

3. International Collaboration:

While India aims to develop its own space station, it also recognizes the importance of collaborating with other nations. International cooperation opens doors for knowledge exchange, resource pooling, and shared objectives, fostering a global community dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

4. Expanding Research Frontiers:

India’s space station will enable scientists to conduct research in various fields such as astrophysics, space biology, and human physiology in microgravity. The findings from these studies will not only benefit India but also contribute to the global scientific knowledge base.

5. Elevating India’s Status:

By venturing into the realm of space stations, India aims to elevate its position in the global space arena. It serves as a testament to India’s scientific and technological capabilities, showcasing the nation’s potential as a major player in space exploration and research.
India’s space station represents a significant milestone in the nation’s space journey. With its ambitious plans and commitment to innovation, India sets its sights on the extraordinary, pushing boundaries and inspiring generations to dream big.
“Article Credit : Skywalker”

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