The Fall of Maharashtra’s Moral Compass: A Tale of Lost Ethics and Betrayed Legacies in Politics

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Image Source-The Indian Express) Maharashtra legislative assembly.

Politics without ethics is a disaster. The reason why politics came into existence was to maintain peace and order in society. As we delve into history, politics in Maharashtra was especially evident during the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. He was not a prince by birth but the son of Maratha Jagirdar Shahji Bhosale, who worked in the courts of Nizam, Adilshah, and the Mughals. Shivaji Maharaj aimed for the welfare of the people, utilizing politics to gain power and uphold the dignity of the people and the motherland.

Furthermore, Maharashtra has produced political leaders who played a significant role in achieving freedom for our motherland. Leaders like Bal Gangadhar Tilak, M. G. Ranade, and B. R. Ambedkar joined politics to fight for the rights of the people. These leaders, born on the soil of Maharashtra, always had a vision for their people. They followed great ideologies and worked for the welfare of the people, not driven by greed for power.

However, today we witness the loss of this inspiring legacy in Maharashtra. Politics is now in the hands of individuals consumed by never-ending greed, who are never satisfied. These leaders are willing to compromise their dignity and ideologies, which were once the most important elements earning the trust of the people, for minimal power and position. Such actions breed disbelief among the people in their leaders and in the democracy of the country. Unfortunately, we, as ordinary citizens, witness the great legacy of Maharashtra’s leaders crumbling due to these so-called leaders who have forgotten their dignity in pursuit of money and power.

“Article Credit: Srushti Dhaytadak”

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