Super Blue Moon Date 2023 – Where to Watch, What is The Timing To Watch The Super Blue Moon

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Super Blue Moon Date 2023 – Where to Watch, What is The Timing To Watch The Super Blue Moon

You can watch it from all over the world unless there are no clouds at your place. However, it will be much more luminous, so its light will reach you. It will be visible in the sky at 9:36 ET on Wednesday night.

In India:- It will be visible at 7:06 IST on August 31st.

What’s Special about This Super Moon and When is the Next Super Blue Moon?

It only happens once in 10 years that the Blue Moon and Super Moon will make an appearance on the same night. The last time it happened was in 2009, and the next SUPER BLUE MOON will be in 2037, 14 years from now. So don’t forget to witness this celestial event.

It will be 14% larger and 13% brighter than a normal moon. The next Super Blue Moon will be after 14 years from now, making it a rare celestial event.

Rakhi Purnima and Other Traditions

On the eve of the full moon, in India, the Hindu festival Rakshabandhan is celebrated. It’s also known as Rakhi Purnima as it is celebrated during Purnima or the Full Moon. As we all know, on Rakshabandhan, a sister ties a Rakhi around her brother’s wrist, and the brother takes a pledge to protect his sister.

In other traditions around the world, according to NASA, this full moon falls in the middle of the seventh month of the Chinese Calendar, Safar in the Islamic Calendar, and Elul in the Hebrew Calendar. Elul is a time of preparation for the high Holy days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

Every night, when we gaze up at the sky, hoping to see some incredible, unimaginable sights, we often want to witness rare celestial events that can amaze us. Well, if you are a stargazer, sky observer, astronomer, or astronomy lover, here is a breaking update for you: Do not miss the event! On Wednesday nights, a rarity among rarities, a Super Blue Moon, will appear in the night sky.

Now, you might be wondering that we have heard about the moon many times, but what is a Super Blue Moon?

What is a Super Blue Moon?

It is a rare celestial event that occurs once in a blue moon, typically once every two and a half years. It is called a blue moon because it is the second full moon of the month, and tonight will be the second full moon of the August month. However, as the name suggests “Blue,” it would not be in the blue color; it would appear in an orange shade.

Why Super?

Because it will be closest to Earth, that’s why “Super” indicates its close proximity with Earth, and it will also be more luminous than any normal moon.

Full Moon

The full moon occurs when the Moon is completely visible from Earth, happening when Earth comes between the sun and the Moon.

FAQ about Blue Moon:

1) How Often Does a Blue Moon Occur? A Blue Moon happens roughly once every 2 to 3 years, giving rise to the phrase “once in a blue moon.”

2)Why is it Called a “Blue” Moon? The term “blue” in Blue Moon has no connection to the moon’s color. It’s more likely a misinterpretation of an old term “belewe,” meaning “betrayer,” which eventually led to its current usage.

3) Is the Moon Actually Blue? No, a Blue Moon doesn’t appear blue. It looks just like any other full moon, usually with a pale yellow or white color.

4) What Causes the Blue Moon Phenomenon? The Blue Moon occurs due to the misalignment between the calendar month (about 30.44 days) and the lunar month (29.53 days).

5) Is a Blue Moon Extremely Rare? While not exceedingly rare, a Blue Moon is less common than a regular full moon, making it an interesting lunar occurrence.

6) Do All Blue Moons Look the Same? Yes, Blue Moons appear like typical full moons, and their appearance remains consistent with the moon’s regular cycle.

7) Is There a Blue-Colored Moon? Very rarely, atmospheric conditions like dust or smoke particles can cause the moon to appear bluish. This is extremely uncommon and unrelated to the Blue Moon event.

8) Are There Any Special Effects During a Blue Moon? There are no unique effects tied to a Blue Moon. It’s a celestial event based on the calendar and lunar cycles.

9) Is a Blue Moon Celebrated in Any Traditions? While not tied to specific rituals, a Blue Moon has captured cultural interest, leading to its inclusion in folklore, sayings, and modern conversation.

Read More: Blue Moon

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