Upsc Current Affairs 20 July 2023: Daily Upsc Current Affairs and Instant Quiz

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(Image Source: Google| Image By- Jagaran Tv)

1) Empowering CCI for Negotiated Case Settlements

Relation to UPSC Syllabus: GS 2 (Governance, Statutory Bodies, and Institutions)

Why in News: The Competition Commission of India (CCI) is a statutory body responsible for enforcing competition laws to prevent anti-competitive practices and promote fair market competition. Recently, there have been discussions about empowering the CCI with the authority to handle negotiated case settlements. This means allowing the CCI to resolve certain cases through negotiations and settlements rather than just imposing penalties or legal actions.

Details: Empowering the CCI for negotiated case settlements can expedite the resolution of competition-related cases and reduce the burden on the legal system. It provides an opportunity for businesses and parties involved to reach mutually acceptable solutions, promoting a more collaborative approach to competition issues. However, careful guidelines and checks are necessary to ensure transparency, fairness, and that it doesn’t compromise the effectiveness of enforcing competition laws.

2) Inner-Party Democracy

Relation to UPSC Syllabus: GS 2 (Political Parties and Electoral Reforms)

Why in News: Inner-party democracy refers to the democratic functioning and decision-making processes within political parties. In recent times, there have been debates and discussions about the lack of inner-party democracy in various political parties, leading to concerns about the concentration of power in the hands of a few leaders.

Details: Inner-party democracy is essential for ensuring accountability, transparency, and inclusivity within political parties. It allows for wider participation in decision-making, promotes the selection of competent leaders, and strengthens democratic values. By fostering inner-party democracy, political parties can better represent the aspirations of their members and citizens, thus contributing to a more vibrant and responsive political system.

3) Inclusive Constitution

Relation to UPSC Syllabus: GS 2 (Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments)

Why in News: An inclusive constitution is one that guarantees equal rights and opportunities to all citizens, irrespective of their background or identity. There have been ongoing discussions about the need to strengthen India’s constitution to make it more inclusive and responsive to the diverse needs of its citizens.

Details: An inclusive constitution is the foundation of a democratic and just society. By ensuring equal rights, protecting minority interests, and promoting social justice, an inclusive constitution fosters a sense of belonging and unity among the citizens. India’s constitution has undergone several amendments and interpretations to address inclusivity, but there are ongoing debates about further reforms to address emerging challenges and aspirations.

4) Sri Lanka’s Organic Farming Disaster

Relation to UPSC Syllabus: GS 3 (Agriculture)

Why in News: Sri Lanka’s attempt to promote organic farming in recent years has faced significant challenges, leading to concerns about its sustainability and impact on the agricultural sector.

Details: Sri Lanka’s organic farming disaster has raised questions about the feasibility and implications of abruptly transitioning from conventional to organic farming methods. Issues such as declining yields, pest management problems, and economic constraints have surfaced. This situation highlights the importance of well-planned and gradual transitions to sustainable farming practices, considering local agro-climatic conditions, farmer training, and support mechanisms.

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