10 Year Old Muslim Boy Slapped by Hindu Students as Teacher Allegedly Leads, Video Goes Viral

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Muslim Boy Slapped by Hindu Students
(Image Source: Twitter)

A video from Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, has gone viral (Muslim Boy Slapped by Hindu Students) sparking outrage and concern across the country. The video shows a female teacher at Neha Public School allegedly slapping a student in her class. What makes this incident particularly disturbing is the reason behind the alleged misconduct—reportedly, the teacher singled out the student due to his Muslim background.

The incident has raised questions about the treatment of students based on their community, and it has drawn attention to the Neha Public School in Mansurpur village, Muzaffarnagar. According to reports, the student was reprimanded for failing to complete his homework. However, the teacher, identified as Trupta Tyagi, allegedly decided to punish him because of his community affiliation.


The video of the incident, which surfaced on social media at around 3 PM on August 25th, immediately gained widespread attention. As media outlets began covering the story, questions arose about the appropriate response to such behavior, both from the school and the student’s family.

In light of the incident, it’s worth noting that the alleged teacher, Trupta Tyagi, is reported to have a disability. The situation under which ” Muslim Boy Slapped by Hindu Students” has raised concerns not only about the mistreatment of the student but also about the importance of respecting diversity and the constitutional rights and duties associated with it.

This incident highlights the importance of upholding the principles enshrined in Article 15 of the Indian Constitution, which prohibits discrimination based on religion, race, caste, sex, or place of birth. It also emphasizes the significance of ensuring that educational institutions adhere to ethical standards, maintain a non-discriminatory environment, and respect the rights and dignity of every student.

As the incident continues to be investigated, discussions surrounding legal actions against the alleged teacher are gaining momentum. The police have initiated inquiries, and it is expected that the appropriate legal steps will be taken to address the matter.

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