“Why Do We Celebrate Women’s Equality Day: Unveiling the Significance Behind the International Women’s Day Theme 2023”

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Why Do We Celebrate Women's Equality Day
(Image Source- The Quint)

Lets Explore Why Do We Celebrate Women’s Equality Day:-

A notable double standard persists, comparing women to men in ways that perpetuate these disparities. Even today, women do not consistently receive the same opportunities as men within society. Nonetheless, determined efforts are underway worldwide to secure women’s equal rights and strengthen their position in society. Most recently, Jagdeep Dhankhar, Chairperson of the Rajya Sabha (the upper house of India’s Parliament), took a significant step by appointing four female members (50 percent) as chairpersons, symbolizing a dedication to advancing gender equality.

Why Do We Celebrate Women’s Equality Day?

Every year, Women’s Equality Day is commemorated with the goal of granting women equal rights and fortifying their societal standing. This celebration has its roots in a time when women in a particular country were deprived of even the basic right to vote. Let’s explore the origins of gender equality rights and the date on which Women’s Equality Day is observed.

Women’s Equality Day, observed every year on August 26th since 1920, has gained international recognition.

The Historical Significance of Women’s Equality Day

Women’s Equality Day had its inaugural celebration in the United States. The struggle for women’s rights in America dates back to 1853. This battle lasted for half a century, culminating in 1920 when women began to gain legal rights. Since that historic moment, Women’s Equality Day has been an annual celebration.

The Impetus for Celebrating Women’s Equality Day

In the United States, women initially lacked the right to vote, and married women advocated for property rights. The pinnacle of these demands, coupled with the right to vote, was reached on August 26, 1920, when women finally secured the right to vote.

In India, women obtained the right to vote during the British colonial era. Initially celebrated in the United States, Women’s Equality Day subsequently evolved into an international observance on August 26th.

International Women’s Day Theme 2023

While Women’s Equality Day focuses on highlighting and addressing gender disparities, it aligns with the broader context of International Women’s Day. The theme for International Women’s Day in 2023 is ‘Embrace Equality,’ underscoring the importance of embracing gender equality. This theme is also integral to Women’s Equality Day, highlighting the imperative of achieving gender equality, not solely for economic progress but also to safeguard fundamental human rights.

In conclusion, Women’s Equality Day, observed annually on August 26th, is a testament to the ongoing global efforts to secure equal rights for women and promote gender equality. It coincides with the broader theme of ‘Embrace Equality’ for International Women’s Day in 2023, emphasizing the global commitment to achieving gender parity and defending women’s fundamental rights.

Read More: Women Equality Day

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